Need Testing

Testing and repairs
Because of the inherent dangers in handling tanks (explosive vapors and potentially hazardous petroleum residuals), the EPD recommends that only qualified and trained testers, construction, and service personnel test and repair UST’s, AST’s, and Petroleum equipment.
Class A+B Training
CTE is, one of two companies in the state of Georgia, certified to provide the Class A+ B operator training. Our goal is to serve our customers and improve the level of knowledge that the tank owner has about ownership, operation, regulations, and safety at their site.
Tank closings/ Removal
UST’s may be permanently closed by removing them from the ground or by filling the empty tanks with an inert solid material, such as sand, a mixture of sand and soil, foam or grout. Our seasoned and trained sales reps, management, and construction personnel will ease you through the process from start to finish in the easiest, most cost-effective manner possible.
Water Removal
CTE has long experienced dealings with water mixed with gas or diesel. With our experience and the use of advanced lab tests has solved issues in a multitude of applications with various issues. Our qualified removal experts are trained to take samples, test for intrusion, remove intrusion or bacterial growth, and clean your tank(s) of contaminants.
Diesel Flash Point
Our intrusion and compliance team are trained to easily calculate a fix of flashpoint issues that may occur as well as helping you, the customer, correct the issue in the timeliest manner possible to have your site running as quickly as possible with state approval to sell. With our state-of-the-art lab equipment, we can test your fuel in house and figure out if your tank needs a full product removal or if a large drop can correct your issue.
Fuel Treatment
- Gas & diesel treatment
- Using ethanol and biodiesel can cause issues for your store on occasion. New cleaner burning fuels have the risk of growth of bacteria, yeast, fungi, and micro-organism’s as well as phase separation. We will work to test, treat, and remove the contaminants from your system, quickly and effectively, to ensure you can be back in compliance and creating profits off fuel as quickly as possible.
- WE NOW OFFER FUEL POLISHING. Our state-of-the-art filtration system will cycle your fuel at a rapid 50 Gallons per minute. Saving you time and loss of fuel from traditional cleanings.
Corrosion of metal components in system can be expedited as a result of using flex fuel and bio fuels, as well as due to intrusion. We offer monthly inspections where we check your system for issues and also conduct the monthly inspections for the state. If an issue is found we will recommend pertinent repairs to prolong the life of your tank, STP’s, lines, and fueling equipment and save you repair costs long term, and lower your overall cost of business.
Cathodic protection system
Federal Regulations require corrosion protection for steel underground storage tanks, or cathodic protection. Without a properly serviced and tested Cathodic Protection system your site runs the risk of a release of fuel into the environment due to a hole in your steel tank from corrosion. We offer Testing and replacement of all cathodic protection components.

Clean Air
The Federal Clean Air Act is the federal law enacted in 1970 and last amended in 1990. The Federal Clean Air Act forms the basis for the national air pollution control effort. Basic elements of the act include national ambient air quality standards for major air pollutants, hazardous air pollutant standards, state attainment plans, motor vehicle emissions standards, stationary source emissions standards and permits, stratospheric ozone protection, and enforcement provisions.
Learn more here
CTE technicians are the best to serve any of your gas station tests needs; our aim is to serve you better and on timely manner. Please note that our competitive prices, flexible scheduling, and experience will save you time and money.
Rules and Laws
The environmental Protection division administers 26 state environment laws and is responsible for programs under four federal laws. EPD also develops and enforces rule based on Georgia (Official code of Georgia Annotated) Statutes for protecting Georgia air quality through the regulation of emissions from industrial source, mobile and gas service station sources, also monitors levels of air pollutants throughout the state. Please check here for further rules and laws.
Testing Services
Center for Testing & Engineering Company was started in September of 2006 to fill a need for quality petroleum equipment testing and services in the GA State area. From our modest beginning as a small service company, we are growing and our goal is customer satisfaction and best service with the best prices in the market with over 10 employees. We are committed to providing only the highest quality test, installing and services available. Our industry has become increasingly more technically oriented and complex over the years, and we have continually strive to stay on the top of all the latest innovations and technologies to support our customers needs and expectations. We are a petroleum equipment testing company offering Testing, Training, Installing, and support services for Georgia.We believe that knowledge and experience will prevents poor performance and save you time and money, and that you will not find a better team anywhere. Our experience and great knowledge in Federal and GA state regulation is now in the service of all of our customer to help them to be in compliance preventing any unnecessary money lost.
Ouer Services:
- Testing
- Class A+B Training
- Tank Removal
- Water Removal
- Diesel Flash Point
- Fuel Treatment
- Corrosion
- Cathodic Protection System
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Underground storage tank and line testing services
We are experienced
We Have Over 15 Years of Experience in The Industry
The test provides instant technician feedback, enabling quicker onsite diagnosis and resolution of leaks, so we can be off your forecourt faster.
About us
Providing the Highest Quality Petrolium Services In the Area
Our UST testing services ensure there is no need for analogue reporting- we incorporate digital leak detection whereby mass readings are electronically measured, stored and reported. By making the line test fully automated, results are as accurate and reliable as possible- all within a timely manner.
High Quality, Ethically Sourced Materials
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
Honest Prices
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